20 Hours / 2 Days
This is a 2-day course and meets the requirements of NFPA 1006 Chapter 8. Building on skills acquired from the Dynamic Rescue Awareness course, students will be introduced to the heavy hydraulics including spreaders, cutters, rams and Pneumatics. Students will become well-versed in the use, care and inspection of all components. These types of incidents include vehicles in common accident configurations.
This course covers all NFPA 1006 Chapter 8 Operations requirements including:
- Vehicle Anatomy
- New vehicle technology
- Instruction on good cribbing practices & vehicle stabilization
- Use of glass breaching tools
- Safe and effective use of airbags
- Safe and effective operation of Hand tools
- Operation of Hydraulic Spreading tools
- Operation of Hydraulic Cutting tools
- Effective patient handling and extrication
- Extrication from:
- Vehicle on 4 wheels
- T-Bone
- Vehicle on the side
- Vehicle on the roof